If you were to walk down the street and ask every person you met, “Do you want to love your job and your life?” the obvious answer would be a resounding, “Yes!”
The follow up question is a more difficult one. It is a question that fuels the career and self help industries. It is also a question that I’ve attacked with a vengeance for more than three years: “How do you get there?”
In “The Matrix,” the main character, Neo, gets tapped on the shoulder while at work and is told he is The One and that he controls the destiny of the world. As the movie progresses he tries to come to grips with his new job offer and decide if he really wants it. He can try and change the world, or he can stay at the job he doesn’t like, but where he makes enough money to provide for a decent life of material things.
Neo’s journey is filled with inspiring people who try to guide him and get him to realize who he is. They tell him, “I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.” It takes Neo many experiences and influences before he finally realizes and believes he is The One. And once he believes he is The One, he cannot be stopped.
On the road of life, no one is going to tap us on the shoulder and say, “I have the career of your dreams.” Yet, we are still presented with many guides and navigators. And the real world teaches us lessons whether we are listening or not.
Neo’s journey is similar to ours. We all control the destiny of our own world. For us to truly find our passion and the motivation it takes to hit our goals, we have to realize and believe that we are The One. You are The One that will make your career a passionate success!
Once we believe we have the personal power to achieve our goals, the how to’s become much clearer. The first step on the road to a passionate career is knowing we have the power. The second step is taking responsibility for where we want to go and then using our power to get there.
What do you want to do with your life? Alright then, make a plan, build a support group, and get to it!
Until next time, I’ll see you on the road…
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Wow! This is such a great conversation!@Sung - Having a support team is important. I'm glad you're working to have a power-filled life!@Pilar - I think you really summed it up!@Lorie - Good luck and I hope things get better.@Julie - How inspiring! It's never too late!
It's scary to begin taking the right steps to live a POWERFUL, POWER-FILLED LIFE! But I REALLY love what you said about building a support team around you. This is so key and SO HARD!!!!!
Pilar G
To believe that I have the passionate power, I have to see to it that I have the skills and knowledge to do the works. I have to achieve positive results by following rules and regulations, policies and procedures, monitor my staff and job responsibilities. Be sure that all our customers/clients as well my own staff's needs are all met. Services are delivered on time and make a follow up, to ensure all the services are all in placed. I have to set a good example to all my co-workers and show some motivations, bottom line.
Yes, since I got out of that manufacturing job, it makes me so sick for my goal at that time is to survive myself. Yes, I worked for 4 yrs, until I finally decide this is not me. I'm a professional w/ an M A degree in Education. I tried focusing on teaching Spanish or as a Tutor. I keep going, talking w/ friends and other contact, but the problem is, they can't afford to pay what I told them, so I tried to be helping them, lower the case value, but still doesn't care for it. Now I keep going and visiting other organizations, groups or other contacts. Am still going, going, and going, ecounter only a couple of them, but keep it. It's really very slow here in the place where I lived. I'm also an ESOL Adult Educator, focusing on Adult Literacy (Reading & Writing/Spelling).
WOW! great illustration, being an anime fan and a person on the quest to find out my true passion, this article gives me that extra push to continue forward and really take the time to view my options.
Patricia M
This is inspiring. My problem is that I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing, I am working on trying to figure that out. It is good to know that there are other people in the same position.
The article is very motivating and inspiring. It gave me good insight on setting goals, having a support group, and networking. I thank you for this article.
carla c
generally, I believe this to be true. There are a few things beyond our control: age, experience, and proximity. My path has led me to obtain a degree in Music, and then Music Therapy, do a 1200 hr. internship, then sit for national board exams and pass. However, when I apply for jobs, I am beginning to feel my age is against me even getting an interview with jobs I am certainly qualified for. I have had a minimum of 1 yr. experience in my internship, and where I live there are no job listings for music therapists. I have been contacting numerous facilities and venues, where music therapy can and should be implemented, but so far I have not struck gold. I am also sending resumes and cover letters to related jobs, and music therapy jobs specifically, and have yet to land even a phone call. It is disappointing. I want to practice my vocation that I am passionate about, but finding little. There is so much potential, even for private practice out there, yet, it is extremely difficult to get monetary commitment. I can "entertain" like I did before I went to school, however, it is not sustainable when you get hired every 3 mos. from a facility that the need is to have a music therapist working weekly with their clients.
Larry P
I found your Article inspiring since I'm considering a new career...and need to take that first step that can lead to a new journey in life.Keep helping people ...it really what matters most.
bose adedipe
An inspiring writeup. I pray I secure a job I am passionate about.
Dave Semones
`Appreciate that pitch !!
Kathleen Blair
I have decided to have a passion for the job that I get. I prayed for a job and God is going to lead me where he wants me to do his work.
You should spend some time figuring which career you are passionate about or you should become passionate about the career you get. The reason is you should spend more time doing the job than thinking about. Besides the job you are passionate about may not pay you high. So, do a favor for yourself, your employer. Do your job well and become passionate about your job.
Elias R. G.
My passion is teaching Community College or private Universities. I am in transition from Retiring from the County of San Diego's Child Welfare Services Agency (Child Protective Services) for 20 years! I want to pass on the knowelege I obtained during my 20 years of Field Experience Along with my Associate, Bachelor,and Master Degrees. So there you are, my Passion is teaching adults. Thank you.
Thank you sir for the inspiring eye opener. Despite these talents that are coming up,one still needs a projector(job)to display them on screen(world)we see for others because we can't see ourselves.
Julie R.
Ray Kroc was 52 when he founded McDonalds!! It is never too late...
David De La Rosa
Thanks for the article, the advice is powerful! I know what my career is. I'm running across the following positions, that offer straight commission jobs, with very little benefits. A bit of irony.
Since we are being honest, here is what I have a passion for: singing and becoming a professional singer and musician. That sums it up. How do I get from here to there? In other words, where do I begin?Thanks, Tim
Nicolas Ortiz
Wow that is so true you must stand up and go after your dreams no one is going to tap you on your shoulder and give it to you.
Ronnie Allen
My objective here was to simply acquire employment. My long time goal. I am pursuing a career in CAD. I have a degree in graphic design. I first have to attend a jr. college for pre-req's. Simply because it will cut the cost at my CAD institute. I understand your views and accept employers wanting quality employees. My past employers will give the highest regards concerning my performance at any job I ever had. I have the ability to adapt to the task at hand. I am wiling to train. I pride myself with my work ethics. So what's my next step.
Andy F.
I'm 59, feel 29. Something good is going to come from this site. Good information. Please contact me and take advantage of my attitude and enthusiasm.
George Landry
I am an individual who wants more out of life than the construction based income I am so used to. I have more energy than a high school football team. And enough will to never stop working and carry three people with me if need be. Never do I give up, or turn down an opportunity because it was too hard or too much work. As far as candidates go, I work with fifteen people and end up being the only one who prevails. All I need is a chance to prove that I'm the best!!
I was the one, I was always with passion to make everything wright for others and feel good or survived, only what is destroyed: the power; how easy for many; the passion steel alive, cannot proceed; somebody said: is never too late to start new career-if person was so much in to the one career for many years and was -stop- need time to the system even to rebuild with new idea for the future;maybe is not good to think to long-just do anything to be;
Patrick Walsh
This article is interesting and we do have the power to do what we want in any situation. But I still dont know what I want to do. I don't need to be 100% fulfilled at work, and I want to keep the stuff I love to do, to do with my family.
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